Gain an understanding of what causes tight hips and low back pain.
About the Event
The focus of this workshop is to learn a sequence of movement exercises to strengthen muscles to support your hips and spine. Your abdominals help support and stabilize your spine. If your abdominals are weak, it can lead to an increased risk for low back pain. Movements from Pilates and yoga will be included in this session.
We will address how to balance strengthening muscles and releasing tension with a guided meditation to relax your psoas muscles. Participants receive printable handouts of information and exercises.
Please have the following props: yoga block/strap, Franklin balls strap and block, Franklin balls
How to Join
Sign in to your account or create an account to register for events. AARP membership is not required. You will receive an emailed Zoom link before the class.
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Contact AARP Oregon at for more information about this event.