Jeremy Wine Company

6 West Pine Street
Lodi, CA 95240


Open: Year-round

Jeremy Wine Co. is owned by Jeremy & Choral Trettevik. Their best memories were times when they sat down with friends & family, with a table full of delicious food and even more delicious wine. Together they began to dream of one day sipping their own wine at a table full of friends, family & food. Through determination and naivete, they set out to achieve their dream. Their first harvest (of barely 5 tons) took place in some shared space inside another boutique producer. Today they harvest over 70 tons of grapes each year in their own boutique winery, and love to share the resulting wine in their tasting room.During the days of owning a design studio, Jeremy always believed that every label should tell a story. This is the background of our large J/F Jeremy label.

The fine embossed text on the label bottle represents:"Jeremy spent 40,000 hours in the wine industry working for others before starting his own winery. 6,000 hours in sales & marketing; 12,000 hours in production and winemaking; 22,000 hours in branding and packaging design".When you flip the label upside down, the J becomes an F and the subtle embossed Jeremy now reads Forty Thousand for the hours.

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