Things to Come (1936)

NR, 100 mins
Cast: Raymond Massey, Ralph Richardson, Edward Chapman, Margaretta Scott, Cedric Hardwicke
United Artists
Genres: SciFi/Fantasy
Director: William Cameron Menzies
Writer: H. G. Wells

It's Christmas 1940, and Everytown resident John Cabal (Raymond Massey) fears that war is imminent. When it breaks out, the war lasts 30 years, destroying the city and ushering in a new dark age of plagues and petty despots. But there is hope in the form of Wings Over the World, a group of pacifist scientists and thinkers lead by Cabal. Their dream is to build a utopian society on the ruins of the old. But first they'll have to unseat the latest ruling tyrant (Ralph Richardson).

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